You are a researcher

CultiVar will enable you to share your passion and expose your best and most advanced research to the latest generation of scientists. You will be in contact with young students with a broad range of career prospects. You will interact with education professionals and your lectures will be visible, durable and recognised. You will be able to attract good students for research internships, with financial support from CultiVar.

As a researcher you may be interested in contributing some pedagical materials, and be accompanied in this endeavour.

As part of CultiVar, you may benefit from free teaching lessons by a pedagogical counsellor:

  • Designing a lesson
  • Driving a group of students
  • New teaching methods
  • Designing an educational game
  • Making a successful lecture with a slide show

More than 70 researchers of teacher-researchers benefited from training sessions in France, Senegal and Vietnam.

See the photo album of the series of sessions held in July 2017 at the University of Science and Technologies of Hanoï (Vietnam).

Read also the testimony of Carine Charron, a researcher involved in CultiVar (in French).

Watch a video with the testimonies (in French) of researchers involved in the CultiVar project (event of 22 June 2017 in Montpellier)