Photosynthesis and water-use efficiency in a context of climate change

In a context of climate change, increases in atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), temperatures or reduced rainfall affect the plant's fundamental physiological processes and can alter plant growth and agronomic yields.

This three-hour training brick allows students to acquire knowledge about the ecophysiological functioning of plants, with a particular focus on the environmental impact on photosynthesis processes.

At the end of this course, the students are able to explain how the climatic environment affects the functioning of the plant, through the example of a key process: photosynthesis. The methods of analysis of this process and its modelling in a broader context are also addressed.

This brick was taught by Denis Fabre (researcher at UMR AGAP) for the first time in September 2018, to students at the University of Montpellier, Master 2 level.