The 3000 rice genomes, an introduction to genetic diversity

Diversity is the foundation for plant breeding. The diversity of genome sequences is becoming massively accessible and will revolutionize biological research. Among crops, rice is the good choice for tackling the new challenges and opportunities thus opened.

The module of 4.5 hours is dedicated to Master (M1) students. They are immersed at the heart of frontier research dealing with genetic diversity of asiatic rice (Oryza sativa). They will exploit a subset of a large genetic data set recently issued by an international consortium and exploited presently in differents projects.

The students manipulate DARwin, a free software, conceived as a research tool for an easy exploration of genetic diversity data. They discover by themselves the current diversity of rice, resulting from varied and complex interactions between environments and farmers. A central question addressed is the understanding of the footprints that evolutionary history has left within the genomes. During exercices as pairs, they explore the data through analyses and graphical representations like factorial analysis and dendrograms.

Next session in November 2019 at Université de Montpellier.

This M1 module is organized by AGAP (Team DDSE) unit. Claire Billot, Jean-Pierre Jacquemoud-Collet and Jean Christophe Glaszmann are contributors to this module.